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Create Sol Cerberus app (JS SDK)

Table of contents

  1. solCerberus.initializeApp()
    1. With Javascript:
    2. With React:

The Sol Cerberus apps can be created in the blockchain using the solCerberus.initializeApp() method provided by the JS SDK, it supports the following params:


  • name A name to identify your app (up to 16 characters).
  • recovery (optional): Use a secondary wallet’s public key as a backup in case the original wallet is stolen or lost.
  • options (optional): Additional parameters to customize behavior:
    • cached (optional) Boolean: Wether the Roles and Permissions should be cached on client side.
    • getIx (optional) Boolean: When True returns the instruction instead of executing the command on Solana’s RPC
    • confirmOptions (optional) Object containing the RPC confirm options:
      • skipPreflight (optional) boolean; Disables transaction verification step.
      • commitment (optional) “processed”, “confirmed” or “finalized”: Desired commitment level.
      • preflightCommitment (optional) Commitment: Preflight commitment level.
      • maxRetries (optional) number: Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry.
      • minContextSlot (optional) number: The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at.

With Javascript:

Minimum example on how to create the app with plain Javascript:

import { Keypair, PublicKey, Connection, clusterApiUrl} from "@solana/web3.js";
import { solCerberus, getProvider } from "sol-cerberus-js";
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";

/** Create a connection. **/
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"), "confirmed");
 * Generate a new random Private key (Remember to save this keypair, otherwise 
 * you won't be able to access the app anymore). 
const wallet = Keypair.generate() // Using a random private key 
 * Or alternatively use your own private key :
 *    const wallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Uint8Array.from([
 *      174, 47, 154, 16, 202, 193, 206, 113, 199, 190, 53, 133, 169, 175, 31, 56,
 *      222, 53, 138, 189, 224, 216, 117, 173, 10, 149, 53, 45, 73, 251, 237, 246,
 *      15, 185, 186, 82, 177, 240, 148, 69, 241, 227, 167, 80, 141, 89, 240, 121,
 *      121, 35, 172, 247, 68, 251, 226, 218, 48, 63, 176, 109, 168, 89, 238, 135,
 *    ]));
 * NOTE: This is just a sample wallet, you must replace this Uint8Array by your own wallet private key

const solCerberus = new SolCerberus(connection, wallet);
// Create Sol Cerberus app on-chain:
await solCerberus.initializeApp("myApp", null, {cached: false})  // Async func
console.log(`My app ID is: ${solCerberus.appId.toBase58()}`)

With React:

Minimum example on how to create the app with React:

import React, { startTransition, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useConnection, useWallet } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-react";
import { SolCerberus } from "sol-cerberus-js";
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

export default function MyReactComponent({ router }) {
  const [solCerberus, setSolCerberus] = useState<SolCerberus | null>(null);
  const { connection } = useConnection();
  const { publicKey, wallet } = useWallet();
  const [app, setApp] = useState(null);

  const clearStates = () => {
    if (solCerberus) {
      solCerberus.disconnect(); // Remove Websockets listeners
      startTransition(() => setSolCerberus(null));

  const getAppData = async () => {
    try {
      const appData = await solCerberus.getAppData();
        () => setApp(appData) // Will fail if app doesn't exist yet
    } catch {}

  const handleCreateApp = async () => {
    await solCerberus.initializeApp(
      new PublicKey("HERE_YOUR_BACKUP_WALLET_ADDRESS"), // OR use null for none backup wallet.
        cached: false

  // STEP 1: Init Sol Cerberus
  useEffect(() => {
    // Clear all data when user's wallet has been disconnected
    if (!publicKey) {
      return clearStates();
    if (solCerberus) return;
    startTransition(() => setSolCerberus(new SolCerberus(connection, wallet)));
    return () => clearStates();
  }, [publicKey]);

  // STEP 2: Fetch app data (just in case the app already exists)
  useEffect(() => {
    if (solCerberus) getAppData();
  }, [solCerberus]);

  return (
      {!!solCerberus && !app && (
        <button onClick={handleCreateApp}>Create Sol Cerberus app</button>
      {!!app && (
          The app ID is <strong>{}</strong>

Check out a working example from our demo program: Create app.

Remember to write down your APP ID after creating a Sol Cerberus app, you will need it to access the instance afterwards. If you forgot you can always visit the Sol Cerberus Manager to see all your existing apps.